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With 12 years of international experience, Enviso offers consulting in the following areas:

  • Implementing Lean Six Sigma
  • Implementing Operational Excellence
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery
  • Innovation
  • Implementing logistics systems
  • Big Data
  • ISO certification systems
  • Lean Management
  • Robotic Process Automation


Lean Six Sigma Implementation

Six Sigma principles use statistical and numeric methods to reduce the number of defects in output to an insignificant level. They emphasize simplicity of process, quality of parts and supplies, and employee responsibility for achieving promised results. The direct involvement of employees in the introduction of Six Sigma strategies is a major factor for successful implementation. Training key employees in Six Sigma techniques is an important prerequisite. We assure successfull implementation of  Six Sigma programs, bringing a significant improvement in company performance and increased financial returns.

Operational Excellence implementation

Competitive pressures are forcing executives to react faster to changing business conditions and customer requirements. Line managers and decision-makers need to have an efficient and effective system for day-to-day business operation with access to performance metrics that lead to the most appropriate activities.

Innovation implementation

You cannot work strategically without innovations. We shape your innovation program by:

– looking today at the success levers of tomorrow.

– teach you acting instead of reacting

– answering the questions thrown up by the dynamics and complexities of our changing world

Innovation shouldn’t be something which happens in the future – should begin today, with your next customer order!

Robotic Process Automation

Enabling RPA to handle any processes will not only transform and streamline your organization’s workflow. It will allow for superior scalability and flexibility within the enterprise, doubled by fast, tailored response to specific needs. Software robots are easy to train and they integrate seamlessly into any system. Multiply them, and instantly deploy more as you go. They constantly report on their progress so you can go even bigger and better by using operational and business predictability, while improving strategically.

Supply Chain Optimization

Supply chain is happening all around you.  If your company somehow makes a product, or procures a product, or procures then makes a product that you then sell to a customer, you have an end-to-end supply chain that might need optimizing.

We make an assessment, we map the processes, we build an optimized supply chain, focusing on: supplier management, inventory management, customer demand, logistics

Lean Management Implementation

Lean management seeks to eliminate any waste of time, effort or money by identifying each step in a business process and then revising or cutting out steps that do not create value. Lean management relies on 3 very simple ideas: deliver value from your customer’s perspective, eliminate waste (things that don’t bring value to the end product) and continuous improvement.

We help you to apply the concept of Lean in any business or production process, from manufacturing to marketing and software development.


Constantin Stan Enviso

Contact us for a consulting offer
